Simplify complex calculations with our easy-to-use engineering calculators.
How much weight do you need to stabilise your structure? Calculate the weight required to prevent overturning against wind loads. Essential for ensuring safe and stable temporary installations.
How much bearing pressure can your foundation handle? Use our calculator to convert weight into bearing pressure, ensuring your design meets safety standards.
How small can your foundation's base area be? Utilise our calculator to transform structural weight and allowable pressure into the minimum base area required.
To use our engineering calculators, simply type in the necessary inputs into the designated fields for the calculation you need.
Currently, our engineering calculators include the Ballast Calculator for stability weight estimates, the Bearing Pressure Calculator for foundation strength, and the Spreader Pad for minimum area requirements. More tools will be available soon to address various engineering challenges.
For any support-related queries, you can reach out to us via the contact form on our website or email us directly at
Unfortunately, at this time, our calculator does not support saving calculations. We understand the importance of this feature and are considering adding it in future updates.
While our calculators provides accurate estimates, for exact calculations tailored to the specifics of your project, we recommend contacting our team. We can provide you with personalised assistance to ensure the precision and reliability of your project's calculations.